I am Suman Goel

About Me

An enthusiastic fresher with creative and imaginative skills and has an objective to contribute towards a better tomorrow. Highly gravitated towards the dimension of Machine Learning and Data Science.

My Profiles

My Projects

Movie Recommender

  • Python
  • SkLearn
  • Flask

Built a Recommendation System using Restricted Boltzmann Machines that recommends movies to the user based on the type of movies watched.

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Flask Blog

  • Python
  • Flask

It is app developed using Flask Framework in which user can post their articles.

Open github Check out the App

Text Processing App

  • Python
  • Streamlit

Have a lot of unclean text? Now you don't have to bother about writing code to clean text data every time. Just start the app, throw your unclean texts, choose your filters and let the model handle…

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  • Python
  • SkLearn
  • RBM

Text-Summarization of a Tennis Match by using Pagerank Algorithm.

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Image Captioning

  • Python
  • CNN
  • LSTM

Using transfer learning used a pre-trained VGG16 network, word embeddings and GRUs, build a captioning bot that takes image inputs and returns a sentence that describes the image.

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Snake Game

  • C++

All time snake game is build using c++ language.

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My Articles

Process and Summarize Text with Streamlit

Streamlit is an open source python framework used to deploy machine learning models, analyze and visualize datasets in an interactive manner. Streamlit makes it very easy to run webapps with a very few lines of code which makes the job very easy for data scientists.

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Understanding Convolutional Neural Network

Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) sounds like a peculiar combination of biology and math with a little CS sprinkled in, but these networks play an important role in the field of Computer Vision.

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Implementing a CNN Using Tensorflow to Classify Handwritten Digits

Convolutional Neural Networks perform great as feature extractors, especially in images. They scan through the images and select appropriate features necessary for the model like a charm.

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Intuition behind Restricted Boltzmann Machines

In this post, I will try to shed some light on the intuition about Restricted Boltzmann Machines and the architecture behind it..

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